Epic Fighting Game

After developing the two-player racing game Evert Kart for a school project, I got inspired to make a two-player fighting game. Since Evert Kart was a hit among my friends, I wanted to make another fun, "laugh out loud"-game that you can have a blast with playing multiple people. Even though Epic Fighting Game doesn't have the same comedic value as Evert Kart, I was still proud with how it turned out. I maxed out the physics to a ridiculous level to add to the "funniness" of the game. Even though they are unrealistic, it is still fun to launch your friend with your sword right into space.

This was a great learning experience as well. Making a game with two players was a new thing for me. Even though Evert Kart was a multiplayer game, the players did not interact with each other the same way they do in this game. Since the players fight each other in this game, it required a lot more play-testing and optimization to make the fighting system fluent and enjoyable.