Embark on a chilling adventure in "Rabbit Souls", a captivating game that combines strategy, stealth, and turn-based gameplay to deliver a gaming experience unexplored by many titles. Immerse yourself in an eerie world where you are the prey, and escape is the only option.
"Rabbit Souls'' is a unique blend of various genres, with its core built on the pillars of stealth, strategy, and turn-based gameplay. This combination creates a rarely explored mix, set against a grim fairytale-like backdrop that intensifies the tension of the situation that the player finds themselves in. The tension is easily felt, well, at least for those who don’t plan ahead…
The gameplay of "Rabbit Souls" is intuitive and well-balanced, offering a seamless combination of strategy and stealth. In the turn-based movement system, players must navigate the dungeon, avoiding enemies and strategically planning their escape route.
Despite its simple appearance, "Rabbit Souls" focuses on optimization and perfecting the basic mechanics. Even if you manage to escape the dungeon, there's always room for improvement!
This game was developed in 3 weeks by a small team of 12 for a school project.
I made a script that includes a list of x and y values that the enemy will follow in-game. This list is very flexible to use in unity and you can easily change and add the patrol points of the enemy.
The red tiles in front of the enemy shows the enemies vision. If the player walks inside the enemy’s vision he gets detected, and the tile that the player gets detected in will turn yellow.
When you hover the mouse over the indicators of the player it shows a marker on the current tile. When you click on a tile the marker stays, but you still have the possibility to click on another tile and change the currently marked tile.
I made a script for the camera that follows the player, but if you are in a certain range from the enemy the camera centers between the player and the enemy. There is a list in this script that constantly gets updated on what enemies are close enough to the player, and the camera finds the center point between the player and the enemies in this list. To find the center point, I used something Unity calls “Bounds”. It forms a rectangle around the player and the enemies, and its edges updates depending on the position of the objects. The function then returns the center point of this bound where the camera then is positioned.
The menu contains the basic buttons. A play button that starts the game, an option menu which includes a volume slider, and a credits screen where it shows all the people included in the making of this game.
Shows each time you have completed a level. It displays the amount of turns the player has spent during the game.
Shows each time the player has been detected. Also displays the amount of turns, and has a main menu, and a restart-button.